LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 70 minutes
AIMS: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to
- to locate information on the website
- to transfer information to the given worksheet
- PC (3 students per PC)
- Internet Connection
- Web Browser
- Prepare worksheets
- Check PCs and Internet connection are working before lesson
WEBSITE: Any search engines
Set Induction
- Teacher asks students about their favorite foods from other country
- Teacher recaps previous lesson
- Teacher explains to students the aims of the lesson
- Teacher asks students to get into a group of 3 people - 1 PC per group
Task 1
- Teacher explains Task 1. Using any search engine students have to locate the given cuisines listed to the country of origin. Students also have to list the main ingredients of each cuisine.
- Teacher distributes Task Sheet 1
- Teacher teaches students how to use the search engine - www.google.com
- Students are allwoed to disscuss with their friends while fill in the answer
- Meanwhile, teacher assists any groups that appear to have problem
Teacher discusses the answer with students
Follow Up Activity
Teacher asks students to choose any one of the listed cuisines and write an e-mail to their friends about the dish. Students have to e-mail their work before the next English class.